Sunday, August 7, 2011

adopt dogs temporarily and get necessary veterinary expenses and food etc covered!

did you know this was possible?  i didn't, but i think it's a great idea.  visit for more info.

great for families whose kids want dogs so they can try it out first.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Building Your House of Confidence with Kathryn Orford

from 4-day free Ultimate Life Summit until July 22, 2011.

it all starts with a strong foundation of self-esteem.  walls of self-worth and self-belief.  roof of confidence. all = confidence on the inside and outside.

preschoolers receive much more negative than positive comments = balloons popping

exercise ~ imagine balloon of positive color you choose multiplying 

exercise ~ think of the negative boxes you received and write down.  for me, awkward, weird, ugly, fat, shy, uncomfortable.  scribble over, shout, not true! and rip to pieces.

re-program your negative self talk
  • change the tone to silly/sultry
  • turn down the volume/hit the mute button
  • drown it out
  • add a positive to the end of a negative
    • use a y.u.i. like a u-turn
      • ...can't do that yet
      • never got or going to be able to do so-and-so up until now!
      • it's in the past
use affirmations to set up your day

she mentions free stuff at but I can't find the "free stuff" tab as mentioned, will let you know if i get an answer

reconnect with inner child ~ find picture of yourself between 6-18 months and put it up, put it in wallet, look into eyes.  promise them from now on will treat them with the love and respect they deserve.

think of your baggage attached to you by a string and then cut them from you with scissors

"fake it until you make it" ~ spend your time with confident people

do at least one thing each day to build your house of confidence, like laying bricks

*pics to come later.  how much later?  i don't know.  i'm struggling because i'm also writing this in a private blog, which is double the work, but some stuff I want to keep private.  light into this issue much appreciated.